Invite more Love, Abundance, Wealth, Happiness and Purpose into your life

Embark on a journey of personal growth with Carolin Rathbun and The Soul Collective in a NEW 5-week LIVE channeled course.

Let the higher perspective of The Soul Collective elevate your awareness, unlock your potential, and leave you feeling inspired and empowered to transform your life.

Each week, we'll dive into one of five topics: LOVE, ABUNDANCE, WEALTH, HAPPINESS and PURPOSE. The Soul Collective will share their profound wisdom and answer your burning questions, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding and take meaningful steps forward.

The Soul Collective knows you're ready, or you wouldn't be reading this. They created this course for YOU, and they're standing by to guide you every step of the way.


Deep within you is a pure Soul who loves you unconditionally and only wants the best for you. It knows what you want and how you hold yourself back. AND your Soul knows the quickest, easiest, most joyful path to all you desire.

Though we are separate, at a Soul level, we're all connected. Therefore, the wisdom Carolin channels is both individual and broad, deeply personal, yet applicable to all.

Join Carolin and The Soul Collective for this heart-opening, mind-expanding course. 

Hear what YOUR Soul wants you to know so you can break free from limitations, unleash your full potential and experience the freedom and joy of a heart-led, Soul-aligned life.

Who or What is The Soul Collective

"We are the higher consciousness of you and all other beings on your planet, past and present. We are your higher self — your inner being, your Soul — and the higher self of all others. We are Universal, Source wisdom. 

We offer a higher perspective to help you remember who you are and all you came here to experience. We are here to help you let go of the limitations that keep you apart from all you desire. 

You are meant to love your life. You are meant to live a life of freedom, joy, and love. We are here to help you remember your creative power so you can create a life that fills you with joy."

~ The Soul Collective


  • DATES:

    Every Tuesday,
    October 1 to 29, 2024

  • TIME:

    Each 60-minutes session begins at:
    9am Pacific
    Noon Eastern
    5pm UK (4pm Oct 29)

  • WHERE:

    Via Zoom
    Sessions will be recorded if you can't attend live


  • Week 1: LOVE

    Embracing, receiving, and cultivating love is essential for a happy life. From self-love to romantic love, to work you love, to better relationships overall, and simply a life you love, The Soul Collective will share their perspective on how to be more open, available and receptive to allowing more love and how you may be blocking love from finding you. This is sure to be a heart-opening discussion.

  • Week 2: ABUNDANCE

    The dictionary defines abundance as "extremely plentiful" and "overflowing fullness." Come prepared to expand your awareness and capacity to attract and receive abundance of all kinds as The Soul Collective guides you back into your truth and inner power to create the reality you desire.

  • Week 3: Wealth

    Wealth, like abundance, comes in many forms and means something different to each of us. Your greatest challenge is your ability to believe and receive all the wealth that is available to you. Shift your perception, and your experience of wealth will change. Join The Soul Collective in what promises to be an enriching conversation.

  • Week 4: HAPPINESS

    Can happiness be lasting? Is happiness really a choice? Why is happiness sometimes hard to maintain? How can I be happier in my everyday life? This week's session will answer these questions and YOURS as The Soul Collective helps us increase our joy.

  • Week 5: PURPOSE

    A fulfilled life is a life that feels purposeful, so it's no wonder so many people are searching for their purpose. Allow the profound insights of The Soul Collective to shift your perspective and open you up to new ways of looking at life and your time here on Earth. Your purpose may not be as elusive as you think.

  • Weekly Q&A with
    The Soul Collective

    Every session opens with a channeled message from The Soul Collective focused on the weekly topic. They will then invite your questions. "It is our greatest joy to guide you to yours, and we greatly look forward to our time together. We hear you asking. We are ready to answer." ~ The Soul Collective


Carolin Rathbun

Carolin is a channel of Universal Source wisdom known as The Soul Collective, providing spiritual guidance to a global community of seekers, way-showers, and those looking for answers to the questions, Who am I? Why am I here? What's my purpose?

Carolin says, "I love tapping into Source wisdom and being able to clearly share what our Souls want us to know right now. In this time of great change on our planet, where fear and confusion are prevalent, The Soul Collective offers a guiding light that brings us back to our truth so we can make choices from a place of love.”

Carolin is also a life coach with training and certifications from Robert Holden, Mike Dooley, Martha Beck, Brené Brown, Michael Bernard Beckwith, and Simon Sinek. She is a writer and author of Love Notes From Your Soul: Whispers, wisdom and loving nudges to help you connect with your inner voice.

Carolin offers spiritual guidance and practical tools to connect you with your inner wisdom, so you have the courage to follow your heart and create a life better than you've dared dream possible.

Join Carolin and The Soul Collective as they guide you to experience the freedom and joy of a heart-led, Soul-aligned life.


  • Deep-dive into 5 key aspects of a fulfilling and joyful life

  • 60-minutes of Universal Source wisdom channeled LIVE, each week

  • Q&A with The Soul Collective every week, to answer YOUR top-of-mind questions

  • Personalized Soul-guidance to shift your mindset and release patterns that keep you stuck

  • Private community within the course platform

What People Are Saying...

Enlightening and Reassuring

Karen Gibbons
Gabriola Island, BC, Canada

“Carolin’s presence is both warm and professional. The message you receive will come from the place where your higher self and her higher self meet. You will recognize the truth of who you are. You will know where to put your focus. Your reading will be both practical and loving. I find my readings with Carolin to be both enlightening and reassuring. I highly recommend you allow yourself the gift of Carolin’s spiritual coaching.”"

Clarity and Peace of Mind

Mary Anne Wollison
Ontario, Canada

"I wasn’t sure just what to expect from a channelling session with Carolin. The comforting words, the insight and the pace of the advice just poured out of Carolin, or rather Carolin was a tool to the souls out there who offered me absolutely spot on advice to my deepest concerns and gave me a perspective I would have never have arrived at. The session clarified for me exactly what I should be doing with my time, energy and resources for my own good, and the good of those who share this life with me. Do yourself a favour and book a session with Carolin and find peace of mind."

Brought me back Home!

Nancy D.
Nova Scotia, Canada

"Carolin is such a beautiful Soul. She has a very calm presence where you feel completely safe. The Soul Collective experience was Amazing! The session was full of inspiration but most of all it was the connection to my Heart, my Soul that was transformative. It bought me back to me, to my Soul - Home! I am so grateful to Carolin for her openness and willingness to share not only her gift but her Soul with others. A great treasure she is to us all! I highly recommend having a session with Carolin - your Heart will thank you! Thank you Carolin for being You! ">

Experiencing wonderful shifts

Catrina R.
San Francisco Bay Area

“The clarity, kindness and simplicity of guidance that came through in my session with Carolin has been most valuable. More than simply speaking to my areas of inquiry, the specific suggested practices to implement daily, while simple, were deeply insightful and very powerful. I am already experiencing wonderful shifts since putting them to practice. I highly recommend booking a session with Carolin; you will love every minute!”

Reassurance and Courage

Leah Ramos
Seattle, WA

“Carolin, My recent session with you brought me so much peace and clarity about my current life circumstance. The information that I received brought me both reassurance and courage to move forward, as well as a deep knowing and trust that I am being unconditionally supported on every step of my journey. The healing energy that you channel is powerful, loving, and full of deep wisdom. I left the session feeling completely held in a high vibration of acceptance and love. I feel so blessed.”

In a World of Confusion & Chaos, Get the Clarity You Seek


  • What are the dates and times for this course?

    We meet over Zoom every Tuesday, from October 1st to October 29, 2024.

    Each session is 60-minutes in length and begins at:
        9am Pacific Time
        Noon Eastern Time
        5pm* UK Time (*4pm Oct 29)

  • Can I submit a question if I can't attend live?

    Yes, you may email your question to [email protected] at least 24 hours prior to the call. While your question may not be addressed directly, you may find it gets answered in the general message channeled at the beginning of the session.

    Your best chance for an answer and clarity within yourself is to attend live and ask your questions directly to The Soul Collective.

  • Where can I find the Zoom link to join the calls?

    When you register for the course, you will receive an email with the Zoom connection details.

    You will also find the connection details in the course platform located on my website at Sign in through the link in the menu using your secure username and password.

    We will use the same Zoom link for each class.

  • Where will I find the recording of each call?

    Each call will be recorded if you can't attend live, and will be available in the course platform for you to revisit as often as you like.

    Visit my website at and sign into your course via the Login/Sign In link in the menu using your secure username and password.

It's Time to Feel the Freedom & Joy of a Heart-led, Soul-aligned Life

Revisit this course as often as you like. Each time you listen, you'll hear something new.

This course is currently CLOSED to new enrollments.

The information provided in this course is for your personal information and interest only. It does not constitute or take the place of clinical therapy, medical, legal or financial advice.

Conversations With Your Soul course was created by Carolin Rathbun, The Joyful Scribe
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